UN Official Visits ECFS as 7th Grade Studies Climate Change
On a frigid Friday in January — less than a week after temperatures in New York skyrocketed to a summery 70 degrees — Hamid Rashid, Chief of the Development Research […]
ECFS Community Gathers for Solidarity March
Sunday, January 5, was a bright, brisk day. The sun warmed the faces of members of the Ethical Culture Fieldston School community as they marched, shoulder to shoulder, across the […]
Fieldston Middle Schoolers Save the World in Model UN
Imagine this: a world divided — where systems of government have splintered and fallen, global infrastructures have collapsed under the weight of constant turmoil, and prosperity seems a Sisyphean feat. […]
ECFS Students Talk Mental Illness with Empathy and Strength
It’s Thursday morning, and the entire Fieldston Upper School community is gathered in the auditorium to hear about the week’s assembly topic: mental health. Rather than bring in a medical […]
Upper Schoolers Spread Holiday Cheer, One Cabbage at a Time
Monday, November 18, is a cold, gray day on the Upper West Side of Manhattan — not yet the dead of winter, but the air no longer carries with it […]
4th Graders Deconstruct Laws — and Write Their Own
The House is in session. In hushed but anxious tones, Representatives set aside partisan differences in their race to pass a bill over to the Senate. Fifteen minutes later, a […]
What Faculty Really Do at Professional Development
They say you should never stop learning, and at the Ethical Culture Fieldston School, teachers take that mantra seriously. While students enjoyed a day off earlier this October, faculty in […]
Striking Out: ECFS Students Join the Global Climate Strike
Emma V. ’20 looked around the crowd gathered in the Stu-Fac — fellow environmental club leaders and over a dozen faculty and staff who met after school to discuss the […]
ECFS Shows School Spirit by Giving Back
This year’s Homecoming, on Saturday, September 28, promises to be another celebration of Orange Pride. But along with the sports games, the food, and the gathering of community, the latest […]
ECFS Summer Stories from Around the World
Both of ECFS’ campuses are once again buzzing with life: Pre-K students take their first confident — or not so confident — steps at their new schools, Fieldston Middle Schoolers […]